: Empowering Transformation: A Journey of Self-Discovery
The Next Generation of Health and Wellness Solutions


VISUALIZEin360 is a holistic wellness program to treat anxiety and enhance well-being on every level – mental, physical, emotional and existential. 

Select from a variety of services to personalize your experience, channeling the energy trapped in survival mode towards creating the life you envision.

Holistic Wellness Services
A vibrant image of a human brain, symbolizing cognitive processes and mental well-being.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
A vibrant, abstract image with swirling colors and a central burst of light
Quantum Manifestation
Shaping the Future
Flow and Peak Performance
A woman practicing yoga at sunset, symbolizing the union of physical and mental well-being.
Visualization Yoga
A person meditating, symbolizing tranquility and mindfulness.
Breathe in Beauty
Breath Work
A cluster of psychedelic mushrooms, symbolizing the potential of micro dosing for personal growth and well-being.
Your Journey to Wellness Starts Here
Mindful Living


As human beings, we are programmed to think about who we can be, and what we can do, based on past performance and prior experience. Our limiting beliefs, negativity bias, cognitive distortions and the adaptive stress response can hinder us from pursuing goals outside of our comfort zones. 

Advancements in science are now revealing our power to rewire the brain and create more space for opportunity and expectation of success. 



A row of beach chairs facing a view of Earth from space, with a hurricane visible.



Master the art of taking quantum leaps in your growth—massive shifts that don’t require hard work or struggle. Instead, it’s about aligning with the highest expression of yourself, allowing effortless breakthroughs in your mental, emotional, and physical and spiritual well-being.

Through immersive mind-body techniques, you can manifest a new embodied reality with clarity, purpose and authentic self-expression.

The ultimate fusion of emerging science and ancient wisdom, VISUALIZEin360 offers a transformative experience unlike any other. 


Olivia Rozanski
Olivia Rozanski
I recently had the opportunity to enroll in VISUALIZEin360s Quantum Wellness program, and it has been a transformative journey unlike any other. From the very beginning, it was evident that this was more than just a typical course; it was a profound exploration into the depths of self-awareness and personal growth. The impact of this course on my lifestyle routine has been nothing short of remarkable. I feel more motivated and empowered than ever before to make positive changes in my daily habits, from nutrition and exercise to mindfulness and self-care.
Marilyn Chimento-Diina
Marilyn Chimento-Diina
In the past five years, I have evolved more as a person under the counseling and guidance of Dr. Santarpia than I have in my entire adult life. She is the only psychologist who has been able to connect with me on a primal level and effect a positive change in all areas of my life. Dr. Santarpia has been a tremendous source of clarity and has opened my eyes to the skewed perception I have of myself and the responsibility I feel toward making everything perfect for everyone I love at the expense of my own mental wellbeing.
Jess Brain
Jess Brain
Working with Tessa through the V360 program opened my eyes and my mind to new ways to uplevel my consciousness. The program provided a fresh approach and practical guidance where I felt completely supported to transform my habits and ways of thinking. Tessa is a phenomenal coach and guide into this new paradigm of encouraging more positive, mental health habits.
Sherry Preziuso
Sherry Preziuso
Susan was a true life-saver in my situation. She was always able to put things into perspective and gave sound advise backed by experience and science. I still rely on her to this day if I’m in a crisis situation. She was with me threw the worst part of my life and I now know I can handle most anything in part, because of her direction.
Alejandra Osorno
Alejandra Osorno
This dynamic group of women is revolutionizing mindfulness and wellness. With their guidance, support, and educational resources, I have been able to reclaim my inner strength. Navigating distracting and draining external forces is less intimidating when you have the power and tools to look inward. This is the alternative, holistic approach I've been looking for.
Linda Carter
Linda Carter
The VISUALIZEin360 coaching platform has been transformative! It's a customized experienced tailored to individual needs, goals, and desires. Cognitive behavioral therapy with Dr. Santarpia has been a great experience, enabling me to rewire my brain by biohacking my thoughts and beliefs. I've gained so much knowledge and also felt very comfortable during our coaching sessions. Dr. Santarpia is very knowledgeable, personable, and easy to talk to. She has an art of relating to others and truly listens to understand. Highly recommend!
Mariette Wall
Mariette Wall
This program has compassionately inspired me to live a life based on a foundation of love and joy, regardless of circumstances. Susan has provided me with invaluable insight to proactive ways to enrich my life as well as the lives of those around me. She has extensive knowledge of holistic approaches. I appreciate her ability to convey it all in a relatable and easy to understand manner. The resources she recommends build a foundation for deeper understanding and future success. My gratitude and respect for her is tremendous.
Jay Alipit
Jay Alipit
Dr. Santarpia has offered the most in depth and positive life changing feedback for our family. I was amazed by her keen sense right away for human experience and her expertise. Her analysis and thoughtful strategies are always on point. Thank you for your truly amazing perspectives, help when most needed and lasting care. Come here, it is the care you have searched for and we searched everywhere for care like this.
Travis Grohoske
Travis Grohoske
I wish I would have taken this step much earlier. I 100% recommend this to anyone, being able to talk without being judged, but also hearing what I needed at times really helped me more than I thought it would. While very supportive and kind, there was a time when I needed to hear some advice which I took and am very glad. It's exactly what I needed to hear when it was time and Susan knew it, and I can honestly say it has made a profound difference in my life, which also has positive influence for my daughter and my relationship, work etc...
Mary Manley
Mary Manley
Visualizein360 has helped me to understand the connection between mind and emotion. I am able to better deal with my own life experiences. I highly recommend Susan and her team, their advice is invaluable.
Paige McRae
Paige McRae
Working with V360 has been an extraordinary experience and one which I would strongly recommend to anyone I meet. I was able to accomplish so much more than I expected with the V360 team. Meditation, manifestation and visualization played indispensable roles in the pursuit of my dream job. These practices weren’t merely supplemental, they were foundational to my success. The practitioners of V360 have helped to elevate my mindset practices from that of a talented athlete, to that of an elite athlete.
Alex Live
Alex Live
Always struggled to find a meditation guide that really suited me. VisiualizeIn360 has been extremely fitting for my life and schedule. Very much recommend
Paul P.
Paul P.
Susan is awesome to work with. Shes the person that introduced me to the Law of Attraction, And that has been so beneficial. I would highly recommend her, easy 5 stars!
Peter Ahearn
Peter Ahearn
Susan just simply has the answers. The result of her guidance is clarity and calm. I had gone through a repetition of brutal losses in a very condensed period of time. I work in the field of suicide prevention and crisis management. This makes me the worst of patients. My stabilization was rapid and deep set into my psyche. In retrospect, I will summarize that she wasn’t just the best one to help me through that darkness, she was the only one who could have led me back to the light and truly living.
Leah Ganey
Leah Ganey
VISUALIZEin360 has been nothing short of awe-inspiring. Through this program, I discovered a sanctuary of inner peace and mental clarity, which has paved the way for a profound shift in my perception and reality. VISUALIZEin360 has not only provided me with the tools to navigate life's complexities but has also ignited a profound shift in my consciousness, illuminating the path towards a healthier, happier, and more vibrant existence. For those seeking to embark on a journey of wellness, self-discovery and empowerment, I couldn't recommend Tessa, Susan, and Nina more, to help you unlock your boundless potential that lies within.
Lillian Sewell
Lillian Sewell
Working with Tessa has been pivotal to my growth this year! I've seen the fruits of this program in all elements of my life. Earlier this year, I acquired my personal training certification. Throughout the job search, I felt anxious and inadequate to land a job. It was during this time, Tessa really helped me manifest and believe that I was already a coach working at my dream gym. Three months later I'm working as a coach at F45 every week! I've since been able to utilize these methods and practices towards my acting aspirations and apply them to all auditions. Manifestation is changing the game and interweaving microdosing practices help me focus and face my mental limitations that have long been in control of my life.


Elevate Your Learning Experience
A visual comparison of different AI models, highlighting their capabilities in various areas.










A close-up of a VR headset, glowing with vibrant colors.
Two people wearing VR headsets, interacting in a virtual world.

Introducing radical technology to help you experience what achieving your goals would look and feel like in real time. 

"Virtual Reality is so psychologically and perceptually immersive that it tricks the brain into thinking it's undergoing a real experience. It has the potential to create profound and lasting change within us. What if we used it to enhance our connection to the real world and other people?



We consciously design tools that serve to enhance connection to the world, rather than provide an escape from reality.  

We’ll continue to evolve in order to benefit all people and the environments in which they inhabit. 

A stylized image of the Earth with glowing nodes and connections, representing global connectivity.


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A digital illustration of three colorful orbs on a blue background.