

As human beings, we’re programmed to think about who we can be and what we can do, based on past performance. Survival mechanisms, like our negativity bias, loss aversion and adaptive stress response have evolved to protect us so that we can best remain prepared for life’s unexpected occurrences. We’ve been acquiring limiting beliefs about ourselves and our abilities since birth and continue to do so throughout adult life. These are the psychological limitations that impede our performance and goal achievement efforts. 

Our brains and bodies become hard-wired into patterns of operating, meaning we think most of our thoughts, and make a lot of our decisions, subconsciously. The downside is that we can easily become trapped in negative thought loops, ruminating on thoughts of fear and failure, further perpetuating the stress response which restricts our ability to think clearly and broaden perspective. The processes that are meant to optimize our survival end up reducing our humanity to a fraction of what it really could be. 

However, research indicates the most powerful way to change the brain is through behavior, specifically practice and reinforcement of mental habits. The science of Neuroplasticity reveals the brain to be capable of profound change, with the ability to physically change shape and size, as well as rewire neuronal connections to support optimal functioning.